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Training Channel Introduce

Following us and become an expert in Sintronictech products!

We provide a range of learning options to help add your knowledge of our products
and support you with your projects

Certification e-learning courses
Start learning now at your own pace and get the Sintronic official certificate. All the courses
are designed for international audience. There are subtitles and visual guidance to
help you get through and have fun learning in our online interactive courses.

Sintronictech Training Introduction
Get the official Sintronic  Certificate by completing our e-learning courses!
Just give us 5 minutes now and we will show you what you should expect. We want to make sure that
you are comfortable and provide you with the best learning experience.

Tim, Head of Sintronictech Training work as sales engineer

#Training Introduction
#Product Ranges:Access control system, Turnstile gate system, Parking ticketing system,
Parking guidance system.
ELEARNING: All units must be completed. WEBINAR: Attend the webinar session to complete the cours


Contact: Tim Wu

Phone: +86 15813805304

Tel: +86 15813805304(WhatSapp&Wechat )


Add: No.3368,Pengrunda Commercial Plaza 32101,Rd Houhaibing,Haizhu District,Yuehai Street,NanShan Area,Shenzhen City,China

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