Language: Chinese line English

Camera PGS

  • Indoor led display
  • Indoor led display
  • Indoor led display
  • Indoor led display
Indoor led displayIndoor led displayIndoor led displayIndoor led display

Indoor led display

  • SN-0001
  • SN-0002
  • SN-0003
  • Product description: We're professional Indoor led display for camera base parking guidance manufacturers and suppliers in China,We warmly welcome you to wholesale bulk in stock from our factory. For pricelist, contact u
Indoor led display for camera base parking guidance system

Technical Parameters:

1.Single Direction Indoor Display Screen


770 * 210 * 80mm, including empty space light box
Light box font is customizable

2.2Direction Indoor Display Screen


1080*210*80mm, including empty space light box
Light box font is customizable

3.  3Direction Indoor Display Screen


1460*210*80mm,including empty space light box

Light box font is customizable
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